Some might say this blog has a ‘split personality’. Though I wouldn’t say that.
On one hand, the blog has been set up for selfish reasons; to provide quick, easy updates to my loved ones and anyone else who may wish to know, how I’m getting on from week to week, including my medical status, the big milestones achieved and obstacles overcome. I also thought writing would be cathartic and help me retain my sense of humour, reflect and cope as I navigate this new, scary and wondrously fascinating (to me) journey.
Alternatively, I have high hopes for this blog; that it might reach out and touch others. My wish is that it helps, amuses, informs and provides hope. The psychological skills I draw on to help me manage living with cancer, its treatment, side effects and impact will be shared, highlighted and embodied within the posts; may they help, inspire and comfort, you, your friends and your family.
In fact, ‘split personality’ is not a helpful psychological term or one used by modern psychologists and the symptoms the term has often been associated with from TV and movies are rare and controversial. With the psychology tidbit over, a more useful way of describing this blog would be to say it has a number distinct parts to it’s identity. I’ll trust in the universe that the blog’s dual roles and aspects of identity will relate well, find their place and become clearer as the journey unfolds.
There will be pictures and fantastic illustrations by a very multi-talented friend of mine, Sapphire Weerakone. I encourage you to return to this blog to check those out if nothing else! Warning alert – there will be a ‘tell it like it is’ flavour to the posts. Finally, its not all about me.
Come along for the ride if you want to, ask questions about myeloma, about treatment, it’s impact or the existential dilemmas and I’ll do my best to address them. Please be patient if it takes a while…I expect there to be good days and some not quite as good days. Productivity levels may wax and wane!
Welcome and thanks for checking out Psyching Out Cancer.
Janine x
March 11th, 2017 by Janine